Category Archives: Exhibitions

What is art for you? • The winner of the print • Exhibiting at the Cultch • Best wishes for ’19…

What is art for you? • The winner of the print • Exhibiting at the Cultch • Best wishes for ’19…

Art can be many things and be different to each person. What is beautiful to someone could have a totally distinct meaning to others. The optics of art are not the most important, I believe. To me, the most valuable is that art is not single-purpose, static, or just décor. Art’s most essential element is […]

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Lack of Time • Art Provokes • The 2018 Crawl Is Here!

Lack of Time • Art Provokes • The 2018 Crawl Is Here!

More and more, I realize that one of the most valuable things there are is time and that it is shrinking. The days seem to have fewer hours, and they are shorter. By the end of the week and the month, I am usually in the red. Does this happen to you as well? It […]

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Real and Imaginary News…

Real and Imaginary News…

Hope you have enjoyed the long, beautiful days of summer. Mine were way too busy as I registered for three courses -which was almost insane. One was at Emily Carr U, an intensive history of art course from the 16th century to the present –a review from the Baroque to the Conceptual art in just a few weeks. […]

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