Category Archives: Works in Progress

BC Fires from Space, New Studio, and Evictions…

BC Fires from Space, New Studio, and Evictions…

We’ll soon again turn another page in the calendar. For those in B.C., it will be a relief as August has been challenging to say the least with almost 600 fires going. The images from the space show almost a third of the Province under smoke. It’s very sad to see all these forests in […]

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In search of Renters, on Femimism, and the Harmony Arts Exhibition…

In search of Renters, on Femimism, and the Harmony Arts Exhibition…

I hope you are enjoying the wonderful, long days…. I am. Finally a bit of relaxing after the whirlwind of almost non-stop exhibitions I had since the start of the year.  It’s good to now have some time to enjoy, and plan ahead… For my next move, I have a request to make, I am […]

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City in Flux – Work in Progress

City in Flux – Work in Progress

Sometimes it feels that when you turn around a new high rise has sprung up replacing something that most times you don’t recall what it was… Our landscape shifts gently but steadily as the cranes languidly turn right and left… It’s a ballet of cranes up in the sky… In the same way as houses […]

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The ‘Rielera’ is back + Urban Shift is coming…

The ‘Rielera’ is back + Urban Shift is coming…

The “Rielera” is back reminding us that 50 years ago, a student protest at the Sorbonne in Paris against the government of Charles de Gaulle escalated to a social revolution as workers and the general population joined in demanding rights, better conditions, and wage increases. By the end of May, two-thirds of the French workforce […]

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City in Flux – Work In Progress goes to the Capture Photography Festival!

City in Flux – Work In Progress goes to the Capture Photography Festival!

If you are a writer you know how the idea in your mind can become something else once it is committed to paper or screen. The same happens when painting, sculpting or photographing.  At times you are the director in command but not always… I just finished a large panorama of the North Shore viewed […]

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