City in Flux – Work in Progress

City in Flux – Work in Progress

Erikson Building Remodeled, False Creek

Erikson Building Remodeled, False Creek

Sometimes it feels that when you turn around a new high rise has sprung up replacing something that most times you don’t recall what it was… Our landscape shifts gently but steadily as the cranes languidly turn right and left… It’s a ballet of cranes up in the sky…

In the same way as houses seem to evaporate, workers appear and disappear from our view and mind, even with their neon uniforms.  They are so easy to forget… We live in a City in Flux…

The expected growth of our city makes for a carefully orchestrated project. The available land is limited by water and mountains—our fixed boundaries. While the issue has serious repercussions affecting everyone who lives here and those who wish to, I approach this subject with whimsy. In these times when real estate prices are hitting the roof, through illusion I multiply the land available and bring the matter to the fore.

I am free to do what architects and developers can only dream of doing. I bend engineers’ protocols and planners’ minds to construct new urban environments. Imagination and photography allow me to move and reshape buildings.

As a creator, I express what my mind sees. The artworks in this series are meant to incite thinking. I do not claim to know what should be done. I want our city to continue being a unique livable space—a paradise some would say—for decades to come. Look at what surrounds us. Imagine what our actions today will turn this place into tomorrow. We are responsible for what we leave for future generations.

I hope my imaginary constructions become a seed that generates alternatives beneficial to the future inhabitants of our city.

This work is based on my background in sculpture and painting blended with photography and digital technology.


Vancouver Convention Centre
Erikson Building Remodeled, False Creek

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