Thanks, thanks, thanks + coming exhibitions and more…

Thanks, thanks, thanks + coming exhibitions and more…


First, thanks to all who visited my exhibition at the Ferry Building Gallery, in West Vancouver; particular thanks to all those who wrote comments and signed to receive my news. Also thanks to Juliana Bedoya, the Community Arts Supervisor at the Ferry Building Gallery, who believed in my project, to Greg Bellerby, who moderated the Discussion Panel on April 15,  and to the panellists: Raymond Fung, M. Eng., P. Eng., Director of Engineering & Transportation at the District of West Vancouver,  Nathan Pachal, Langley City Councillor and advocate for sustainable and accessible communities and author of the South Fraser blog, and Bryce Tupper, M. Eng., P. Eng., LEED AP, the Vice President of Planning & Development at British Pacific Properties who brought the point of view of the private sector. The discussion turned out to be more a convivial chat in which the participants revealed important and even surprising information about our neighbourhoods and why or how decisions are taken. Last, thanks to the Capture Photography Festival who once again accepted my submission.

The conversation that the exhibition provoked is intriguing and engaging but, most of all, relevant and meaningful -which is what I wanted. I’m delighted that my artworks served the purpose! Check some of the comments and the article in the Georgia Straight,

Awesome work. Raises the right questions.”, Alison P.

I’d love to see this city in 20 years. Will it be as good as these photos?” Margot M.

Thoughtful & intriguing… Great concepts… Beautiful photographs” Miriam and Dennis.

Fantastic! You see our city with new eyes. Thanks for your sense of humour.” Fiona M.

“A great conversation starter & well presented!” Cynthia  P.


Drawing winning entry

Drawing winning entry

The winner of the Wall Centre Towers over English Bay print is Kerry Harding! Congratulations!





Ah, also thanks to those who bought my photography book, companion to the exhibition. It only costs $25 and 25% of the price goes to support the entrance scholarship I set up at Emily Carr University to aid students with their school fees. It’s a great and valuable present, if I may say… The first edition is almost gone, yay! Get your copy before they are all gone.


Vancouver Design Week

Vancouver Design Week

If you did not have the opportunity to visit the exhibition but are interested in the future of our city and want to express your opinion, you are still in time to be part of the conversation, please join me at this year’s Vancouver Design Week, I’m listed as #15 on May 12, 12 – 4 pm. Or by appointment starting May 7.

The location is B.C. Artscape, on 268 Keefer St., Studio 409, in Chinatown.

If you are one of the Vancouverites having difficulty remaining in your city because of the ballooning real estate prices, or if your children have had to move away or will have to because they cannot afford to stay, or if you are a renter facing an eviction notice, or have any other concern about the city, please come! I don’t claim to have any solution but many voices stand more chance of being heard than one or two…


Parker Art Salon

Parker Art Salon

My next exhibition will be Parker Art Salon, May 25 to 27, at 1000 Parker Street, East Vancouver.  You’d be surprised at the transformations we have been working on to greet you! As we speak, the halls are being transformed, we are creating an ambience of elegance with chandeliers decking the halls, and other surprises. We are 60+ artists who will be showing a great variety of artwork. For the first time, we have added an exclusive Collector’s Night, May 25 and, we continue having the Silent Auction, already open online, in support of our charity, Anxiety BC.

I will be in the same spot as last year -the main entrance hallway, entering from  George St, on the 3rd floor. Come have fun, enjoy the opening party, support Anxiety BC, and acquire great artworks directly from the creator!


Construction Workers - Telus Garden

Construction Workers – Telus Garden

My latest paintings continue on display at The Annex, next to the Orpheum Theatre. They depict construction workers who worked at the Telus Garden headquarters on Georgia Street, in Vancouver. If you attend any function at the theatre, you’ll see them. Let me know what you think.








And, congratulations to all mothers, stepmothers, and grandmothers on this May 13, the official day but truly, for being a mom 365 days of the year!

Till the next,



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